Agreement reached for the location of Inter’s new stadium

By Antoine Rabito on Wednesday March 1, 2023
Credit: Photo by Icon sport

Inter and AC Milan are reportedly ready to abandon the “cathedral” project. A rift has formed between the two clubs, who now plan to work individually on their new stadiums.

As reported by La Gazzetta dello Sport, Inter has decided to try to build its new stadium in the southwestern part of the Milan metropolitan area, in a town on the outskirts of the city called Assago. The club president, Steven Zhang, has already signed preliminary documents with the owners of the private land where the new stadium could be built, allowing them to start drawing up concrete plans. AC Milan for its part, aims to build a new home in the La Maura district of the city, eager to create its own home.

Antoine Rabito

Antoine Rabito

Italian soccer fan from France. Everyday, I read the italian newspapers looking for the best informations to share.

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